Registration Forms
We had over 160 stallholders attending our event in 2015. In 2016 we expect
demand for registrations to increase and space is limited so get in quick to avoid
disapointment of missing out on a stall.
You will need to complete a Stallholder Registration Form and return it to us
to register your interest in attending our event this year.
Stallholder numbers are expected to sell out again this year so get in quick to
avoid disappointment.
stallholder registration period is now closed for 2016
Volunteers are integral to the success of hosting the Musgrave Park Family Fun Day
and we provide a variegty of opportunities for those who are interested in volunteer
at our event. We have numerous volunteering opportunities in the lead up to our
event, during our event and also after the event has been completed.
If you would like to volunteer in 2016 please complete the attached application
form and return it to us as soon as possible. We look forward to your support
once again in 2016.
Commercial Vendors are eligible to aply for a stall at our event in 2016 by completing
the attached registration application. Vendor types and numbers are limited for our
event to ensure there is a variety of food and stall options to meet the needs of
the community.
Applications must be submitted to us with all of your details. We will then get
back in contact with you to advise the fee and is you are successful or not. We
Reserve the right to accept or reject any Commercial Vendor applicaiton and our
decision is final.
Limited places are availabe again this year for performing artists who'd like to
perform on one of the live performance spaces during this years 25th Anniversary
The only way to register your interest is by submitting a Performance Registration
Form and returning it to us as soon as possible. If you don't apply you won't get
the chance to perform in front of thousands as we again celebrate Brisbane's
largest event during NAIDOC Week.